The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity 2.4 Swami Krishnananda.


Saturday 16, Mar 2024 07:00.

The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity

The First Six Chapters of the Bhagavadgita: 

Chapter 2: The Sabha Parva of the Mahabharata-4.


I gave you a small example how we cannot believe that we are only human beings, notwithstanding the fact we are human beings. We have other ways of describing ourselves, and I gave you a specimen of how we describe ourselves. These differences arise due to the level in which we operate. Modern psychologists, parapsychologists, etc., tell us there are levels in us. Alpha, beta, and all these levels are supposed to be in our mental operations. These are modern terms, comparable to these levels I mentioned already in a traditional fashion.

In what level are you functioning at present? This is for you to think deeply. “Am I now operating in the causal level, in the intellectual level, in the sensational, emotional, feeling level of mind, or an intensely sensuous level, or am I intensely physical?” This requires a little bit of deep brooding over one's own self. Whatever be the level in which you are functioning, that characteristic will manifest in you, not necessarily the other features which are also the properties of certain other levels. The Atman's characteristics will not manifest themselves in you, though you are the Atman. Nobody can have Atman qualities; everyone knows that, and it is a very unfortunate state of affairs.

We are also not functioning as pure intelligence, intellect, reason. As I have said, it does not look like we are always reasonable and rational. We have other traits which sometimes seem to be more palatable to us. We are intensely sensuous, empiric in our outlook. Much more than that, we seem to be physically bound. We are material bodies. Hunger and thirst, heat and cold, tell us that we are not far away from the physical body. It is no use theorising too much. It is good to be practical, matter of fact, and call a spade a spade, as they say. It is good to be honest to one's own self. “I do not like to be bad in any sense of the term, but if I have any bad qualities, it is good to know that they are there.” That is the realisation of what you are in order that you may overcome that level, and step into another one. While it is good for you to know your capacities and powers, it is not bad to know your weaknesses. You should also know your weaknesses. If you are ignorant of your weaknesses, you would not know even your powers. It is like an Army General, a Field Marshal. He may be a powerful leader, but he is not expected to overestimate his own strength without knowing the limitations which also may be part of his nature, and the presence of other powers encountering and confronting him, such as the opposite party, and so on.

Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj never tired of saying that we must have a spiritual diary for questioning ourselves every day: what I am and how I am, and so on. Secretly, put a question to yourself: “Am I so important as I appear, or am I a foolhardy person? Something is wrong with me, and I must remove this weakness in me. I have decided that from tomorrow onwards I shall move earth and heaven to remove my weakness. I am very sorry I have this weakness. I shall remove it.” Gurus, Masters, saints, sages, and scriptures have told us also that there are ways of overcoming weaknesses.





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