
Showing posts from January, 2013


VIBOODHI YOGAM:-(Divine Powers and Attributes of Lord) In this chapter Krishna goes deeper into revelation of his Divine Being, reveling as the source from which all things come, on the one who is the reality behind many. Though  the source of all virtues, he is also the ultimate reality that transcends all opposites. Thus he is both happiness and suffering, birth and death, being and non-being. He is beyond duality utterly beyond the constricting categories of the things of this world. His true nature is beyond the reach of thought. He can only be known in the state of Samadhi, where know er and known become one.At Arjuna's request, Krishna now reveals a few of his divine powers and attributes. The idea through out is that in whatever category, Krishna is the chief,the best, the most intense, the most beautiful, the most awesome, the essence.  


CHAPTER-1. -------------------------/ ARJUNA VISHADA YOGAM- SLOKAM-28. DRSHTVAMAM  SVAJANAM   KRISHNA  YUYUTSUM  SAMUPASTITAM SLOKAM-29. SEEDANTI  MAMA  GATRANI  MUKHAM  CA  PARISUSHYATI VEPATHUSCA  SAREERE  ME  ROMAHARSHSCA  JAYATE SLOKAM-30. GHANDEEPAM  SRMSATE  HASTAT  TVAK  CAIVA  PARIDAHYATE NA  CA  SALNOMYAVASTAATUM  BRAMATEEVA  CA  ME  MANA When the troops fall in and ready to fight in the battle field of Krukshetra, Arjuna commanded Lord Krishna the charioteer to take Arjuna in between the two sides, but the Lord Krishna took him before Bhishma,Drona,and the greats of Kourava sainyam intentially, to validate Arjuna. On seeing the Senior relatives and great Gurus before him Arjuna becomes nervous and begins to tell The Lord: "My limbs grow weak, my mouth is dry, my body shakes, my hair is standing on end, my skin burns, and the bow Ghandeeva has slipped from my hand. I am unable to stand, my mind seems to be whirling." From here on