The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita : Ch - 17.15.

7.The Vision of God-15.

The so-called solidity of the universal will melt away as if it has been cast into a melting crucible.

Together with the melting of objects, the perceiver also melts away, so that in this infinitude of object experience, the subject vanishes into the object.

This is called samadhi in the language of yoga, especially of Patanjali, for instance, where there is a coming together of the subject and the object.

The object assumes an infinitude of comprehension, says Patanjali in one of his sutras.

The infinitude of comprehension or the comprehensiveness of the object is such that the subject cannot be there any more, because the Infinite includes everything and anything.

So, even the perceiver or cogniser should be inside the object.

Swami Krishnananda
  To be continued  ....


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