The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita :13-7.

Chapter 13: Centring the Mind in the Heart-7.

But at present, in the context of these verses of the Bhagavadgita, we are speaking of the salvation of the soul, the liberation of the spirit, and are not speaking merely of samyama, or powers or siddhis, in respect of the temporal things of the world.

In concentration on God, the whole of the personality is gathered up and focused.

Every cell of the body unites in collaboration with every other, and every thought combines with every other thought, as a whole nation can voluntarily offer itself for conscription if there is a tremendous danger which threatens the entire country.

There is a uniting of powers on account of the necessity felt due to the exigency of the occasion.

What can be a more serious occasion than the departure of the soul from this world?

It is the most consequent event that can ever take place in our lives, where our future is decided, where the last judgment is to be declared in respect of the destiny of the soul that has to leave this world for its future career.

So the great Teacher of the Gita tells us that we have to gather ourselves up into a soul and not merely a psyche.

The psyche melts into the soul.

The mind and the reason become one with the Self within us, the Atman or the consciousness, when buddhi and manas, reason and feeling, come together.

The head and the heart go hand in hand and not as two divided powers—murdhny adhyatmanah pranam asthito yoga-dharanam.

Swami Krishnananda
To be continued  ..


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