Thursday, Nov 07, 2013. Srimad Bhagavadgeeta: Chapter-3. ( Karmayogam ) Slokam-35 :

Thursday, Nov 07, 2013.

Srimad Bhagavadgeeta:

Chapter-3. ( Karmayogam )

Slokam-35.Clarfies that { Vasana-nirmargganam ( Removal of Vasanas) } : Swadharmam is the way to achieve this act!! 

Sreyan swadharmo vigunah paradharmat swanushtitat

Swadharme nidhanam sreyah paradharmo bayavah.

Swanushtitat = Sincerely following,

Paradharmat = than paradharma,

Vigunah = though inferior,

Swadharmah sreyan = Swadharmam far better.

Swadharme = Active in Swadharma way,

Nidhanam sreyah = Even death has superior value.

Paradharmah bayavaha = Paradharmam produces fear.

Anything in the world, which one is sustaining this as it is, that is its " Dharmam." The standard of thoughts , of one individual, differs from one person to the other.The accumulated thoughts of the past, and the way of thinking, with time this is deposited as hard, become the "Vasanas" of a person. Hence Dharmam, here means Vasanas, any other meaning will not match in this context of the slokam.

Swadharmam and Paradharmam : - These two Sanskrit words, when Hinduism deteriorated in the later periods, greatly miss-understood. The Brahmins and Kshatriya kings, to firmly fix the caste-system in the society, tried to miss- use this slokam. To support to their views, they fraudulently made up elaborate comments to this slokam. Thus instead of developing a society that endangered the growth of it. 

This resulted in the curse of Caste-system in Bharatham, thereafter, son of a barber is barber by caste, son of washer man, washer man by caste ......and story developed into bigger and bigger novel. Those days Sanskrit language is not for all, only Brahmins greatly, and to some extent Kshatriyas used in practice, hence Vedas, Upanishads, and other scriptures under this sects only. 

Swadharmam, is not by birth, (not by caste), it is only the vasanas developed in the minds of everyone, which resulted in his aptitude to certain employment, this should be the exact meaning of Swadharmam.The only way is to select a carrier according to the individual's interest in certain field, and born aptitude, which gives happiness, satisfaction, peace of mind in his work. Karmas (Actions) against one's vasanas, is surely Paradharmam. This is alarming and imperfect, need not to say!! 

Hundreds of examples to prove this scientific truth, we can see in our surroundings. We come across, a lawyer takes some leisure time for poetry, a doctor learning music, an engineer becomes film director...... and so on, and these people due to compulsions, and pressures took up these carriers, but if they had chosen their interests, could have become great artists in their respective fields. 

This is the direct message in this slokam : Lord Sri Krishna to Arjuna- Professionally, kshatriya, great warrior, expert Archer, brave, adventurous, many times proved his great abilities, this way Arjuna's swadharmam, is of a warrior, this can be demonstrated only on getting opportunities. Now the opportunity has come, great Mahabharatha war!!! Lord wants Arjuna to act according to his swadharmam/Vasanas, this is sreyas ( higher, valued to, permanent, quality and moksha ). Discarding swadharmam and following others, is dangerous. This will result in suppression of own enlightenment.

This is controversial slokam because of the so called pundits, who instead of giving higher reasoning to meaning, totally misguided the citizens. This confusion should not arise, on words. This is happening due to insertion of own ideas in this scientific text, instead of telling Lord's exact view. 


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