The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity 6-4 - Swami Krishnananda.


Friday  02, Aug. 2024, 06:50.
The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity-6.4
Chapter 6: Beauty and Duty in the Bhagavadgita-4.
The First Six Chapters of the Bhagavadgita: 
Swami Krishnananda
(Spoken on Bhagavadgita Jayanti


It appears the Bhagavadgita, in that attempt to solve the mystery of the whole creation of duty and beauty, and many more things, lays down the central constitution of the cosmos, and inasmuch as this central constitution enactment, ordinance and law cannot avoid referring to the Supreme Creator, He is also brought into the picture.

So it is a wonder of wonders that has been bequeathed to us, the coming of the Bhagavadgita; we may call it the coming of the rule of God. We do not know what it is that actually came – a miracle coming and transporting our hearts, burning and burnishing our understanding, thrilling us through the pores of our body, bringing our soul into action to the surface of consciousness, and making us for the moment super-individual, and perhaps divine.

May this message be in our minds that a super-individual and superhuman principle is operating from moment to moment, even now, even in the midst of our earth-earthly humdrum activities in this world. Such a message is of the Bhagavadgita. It is ascharya, in the word of the Bhagavadgita itself. 

Aśscaryavat pasyati kascid enam ascaryavad vadati tathaiva canyah, 

ascaryavac cainam anyah srnoti, srutvapy enam veda na caiva kascit (BG 2.29): 

Nobody can explain what it is because it is a wonder, and if anyone can speak it, that also must be a wonder. If anyone can understand it, that also must be a wonder because what is so conveyed is also a wonder. We hear of it many times, yet nobody really understands it fully. So says this verse of the Bhagavadgita. But we shall understand it if we are receptive to the inflow of that super-mundane into this mundane outlook of our human personality. God bless you.


Chapter ends 


Chapter 7: Can War Ever be Justified?

It is easy to enter into the spirit, the intention, the purpose and the meaning of what the Bhagavadgita is attempting to tell us because, as we know already, it is said to be a message come from Eternity. 'Eternity' is the word. It was a grand, cosmical circumstance. The word 'cosmical' is inadequate; something more than that it was, which was the source of this message, and it defied all limitations of time and space – defied in the sense that it overcame all these limitations.

It is necessary for us to properly appreciate what it would mean to break through the limitations of space and time. What would happen to us if we are not to think in space and not to think in time? If we are to speak something not in space and not in time, what would we say? Now, we may be under the impression that we will tell some grand, perpetual message if we are not in space and not in time. It is not like that. We will not be saying merely some grand thing. It is not possible for us to imagine that kind of state. Even when we try to understand and appreciate and place ourselves in the context of there being no space and no time, we will be thinking in space and time only. Even in our attempt to overcome space and time, we are in space and time. So even our non-spatial attempt is bound by spatial limitations.





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