The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity 7-4: Swami Krishnananda.

======================================================================================== Tuesday 27, Aug. 2024, 06:40. The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity :7.4 Chapter 7: Can War Ever be Justified? - 4. The First Six Chapters of the Bhagavadgita: Swami Krishnananda (Spoken on Bhagavadgita Jayanti ======================================================================================== But for reasons which are obvious to students of natural history and evolution, this is not possible. The cow will certainly wish that the tiger should not pounce on it. Why should they not be friends? But the tiger is unable to think in that manner, for reasons which are not entirely in its hands. A condition will not prevail in the world where there will be a uniform way of thinking in all living beings; therefore, it is the opinion of certain thinkers that war cannot be avoided as long as the world exists in the way it exists. Then, if that is the case, a most unjustifiable thing has to b...