Canons of a Perfect Life - 6. Swami Krishnananda.
Tuesday, December 27, 2022. 07:00.
Being comprehensive selections from the Bhagavadgita-6.
The Blessed Lord said:
51.Matter and Spirit :
*This body, O Arjuna, is called the field; he who knows it is called the knower of the field by those who know them. (XIII.1)
*Do thou also know Me as the knower of the field in all fields, O Arjuna. Knowledge of both the field and the knower of the field is considered by Me to be the real knowledge. (XIII.2)
52.The Structure of the Universe :
*The great elements, egoism, intellect, and also the unmanifested Nature, the ten senses and the one (mind), and the five objects of the senses,
*Desire, hatred, pleasure, pain, the aggregate (the body), intelligence, stability of being – thus the field has been briefly described with its modifications. (XIII.5-6)
53.The Grandeur of God, the Almighty Absolute :
*The great elements, egoism, intellect, and also the unmanifested Nature, the ten senses and the one (mind), and the five objects of the senses,
*Desire, hatred, pleasure, pain, the aggregate (the body), intelligence, stability of being – thus the field has been briefly described with its modifications. (XIII.5-6)
54.The Grandeur of God, the Almighty Absolute :
*I will declare That which has to be known, knowing which one attains to immortality, the beginningless Supreme Brahman, called neither being nor non-being.
*With hands and feet everywhere, with eyes, heads and mouths everywhere, with ears everywhere, It exists in the worlds enveloping all.
*Shining by the functions of all the senses, yet without the senses; unattached, yet supporting all; devoid of qualities, yet their experiencer,
*Without and within (all) beings, the unmoving and also the moving; because of Its subtlety, unknowable; and near and far away is That.
*Undivided, yet It exists as if divided in divided beings; It is to be known as the supporter of beings; It devours and It generates.
*That, the Light of all lights, is said to be beyond darkness; knowledge, the knowable and the goal of knowledge, seated in the hearts of all. (XIII.12-17)
55.Matter, Spirit and Their Interaction Are Blended in God, the Supreme Perfection and the Final Salvation of All :
*Know thou that Nature (matter) and the Spirit are both beginningless; and know also that all modifications and qualities are born of Nature.
*In the production of cause and effect relation, Nature (matter) is said to be the cause; in the experience of pleasure and pain, the soul (Purusha) is said to be the cause.
*The soul (Purusha) seated in Nature experiences the qualities born of Nature; attachment to the qualities is the cause of its birth in good and evil wombs.
*The Supreme Soul in this body is called the spectator, the permitter, the supporter, the enjoyer, the great Lord, Absolute Being.
*He who thus knows Spirit and Matter together with the qualities, in whatever condition he may be, he is not born again. (XIII.19-23)
56.Meditation, Self-knowledge, Rational Investigation, Listening Through Scriptures, and Service of All Beings Are the Ways to God :
*Some by meditation behold the Self in the self by the self, others by the Yoga of knowledge, and still others by concentration of mind and by the Yoga of action.
*Others also, not knowing thus, worship, having heard of it from others; they, too, cross beyond death, regarding what they have heard as the supreme refuge. (XIII.24-25)
57.The Recognition of the One Equal God in All Is the Way to Avoid Self-destruction and to Attain Supreme Beatitude :
*He sees truly, who sees the Supreme Lord, existing equally in all beings, the unperishing within the perishing.
*Seeing equanimously the same Lord equally dwelling everywhere, one does not destroy the Self by the self; and then reaches the highest goal. (XIII.28-29)
58.All Variety Is Rooted in the One :
*When a person beholds the whole variety of beings as resting in the One, and spreading forth from That alone, then and there does he attain to Brahman (the Absolute). (XIII.31)
{Aryans : Satvic people : According to Bharathya, the name Aryaputra is of Sanskrit origin and means : "Aryaputra is derived from two Sanskrit words : 'Arya' and 'Putra'. Arya means a 'noble man', to be more specific a noble man who follows vedic traditions (Hinduism) and promotes righteousness. 'Arya' is an adjective and also a very common name.}
59.The Characteristics of Purity Are Lustre and Radiance :
*When through every aperture in this body the wisdom light shines, then it should be known that Sattva (purity) is predominant. (XIV. 11)
60.The Characteristics of Impurity Are Greed and Fatiguing Drudgery of Activity :
*Greed, activity, the undertaking of actions, restlessness, longing – these arise when Rajas is predominant. (XIV.12)
To be continued