The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita : 14-10.
Chapter 14: The Absolute Pervading the Universe-10.
Here is a psychic knot, in a verse which the Bhagavadgita gives us, revealing the universality of its approach in the matter of religion.
"Jnana-yajnena capy anye yajanto mam upsate, ekatvena prthaktvena bahudha visvato-mukham" : -
By the sacrifice of knowledge people worship God in three ways—
1. as the One, 2. as the all-inclusive, and 3. as the variegated.
These central points,
mentioned in three words here,
1. perhaps become the seed of what later on develops as the schools of philosophy known as "Advaita,"
2. "Vasishthadvaita" and 3. "Dvaita"—the school that emphasises unity,
the school that emphasises all-inclusiveness of variety,
and that which emphasises variety alone.
We can approach God in any manner,
and at any point in the world,
in any form and in any attitude,
provided that this attitude or approach is exclusive and fully dedicated to the cause.
Swami Krishnananda
To be continued ....