The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita : Ch-12. Part-3.

Chapter 12: The Entry of the Soul into the Supreme Being

So even in the second chapter of the Gita, where we are led away from the social complex mentioned in the first chapter, an aroma of society is present, by which the argument which was to counteract the misgivings of Arjuna takes into consideration the reaction of the individual upon society once again—such as prestige, one’s own duty in society, etc.

This theme was touched upon in the second chapter also, notwithstanding the fact that the intention of the second chapter is to raise the individual from externalised relationships of every kind to the internal structure of the individual.

We have now gradually moved onwards from the first chapter, wherein we have followed the method of the great Teacher of the Bhagavadgita for the purpose of a complete integration of the individual, which is the highlight of the sixth chapter.

The meditation or dhyana, which is the subject of the sixth chapter, is nothing but the theme of the mustering in of all the forces constituting the individual, so that they form one whole compound and not a complex of diverse constituents.

There is no mention of the Creator or God up to the sixth chapter.

It is all society and the individual—nothing but that.

A great psychologist indeed is the Teacher of the Gita, and no better psychologist can be found.

We should not thrust God into the minds of people when they are not ready for it.

The great Master knows the needs of the various layers of the human personality, and so layer after layer has to be peeled off until the internal kernel is reached.

We have to find out, gradually, what that kernel is, as we proceed further.

Swami Krishnananda
To be continued  ....


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