The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita : Ch-9. Part-5.
9: The Unity of the Lover and the Beloved :
So the ocean is in the drop, yet the very fact that we utter two words, ‘ocean’ and ‘drop’, should make out that there is a distinction drawn between the ocean and the drop.
The ocean is not in the drop, because the ocean contains all drops and not merely one drop, so it cannot be said to be entirely present in only one drop.
The drop is there, but the ocean is not there in the drop—na tv aham tesu te mayi.
This enigma will come later on, in the ninth chapter of the Gita.
When we come to it, we shall see.
A similar statement is being made :
"Pasya me yogam aisvaram."
“Look at the miracle of My being,” says the Lord. “I am there, and I am also not there.”
Both are true.
"Mat-sthani sarva-bhutni na cham tesv avasthitah"—
this is said in the ninth chapter, to which we will refer later on.
Swami Krishnananda
To be continued ...