The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita : Ch-3. Part-7. (Last Part)

3: The World is the Face of God : 7.( Last Part )

These questions are the sum and substance of the first chapter of the Bhagavadgita.

Doubts and doubts and doubts—at least three different doubts are mentioned.

The retort of Sri Krishna to it, in the second chapter, is that we have no correct understanding of the matter.

We have no samkhya buddhi. Samkhya buddhi is correct understanding; that Arjuna lacked.

These are the words that Sri Krishna utters: “All this logic, ethics and morals that you spoke of in favour of the world and against the justice of the war—all this that you have said is an outcome of a lack of understanding.

You have not understood what Truth is.

There is a necessity for clarity of the power of reasoning before you begin to reason.

A muddled reason cannot bring correct results.

Therefore samkhya, understanding, is the first thing that you have to strive for, and not merely employ this ruptured weapon of unintelligent reason to justify erroneous notions.”

“Well, is it so?” says Arjuna.

“Am I mistaken?

There is diffidence in my heart.

I cannot face this world, and there is a sense of the human in me which always speaks its own language, and the human sense cannot always reconcile itself with what the battle of the spirit expects it to.”

We are human and think human, but Sri Krishna wants us to be divine.

How is it possible for a human being to be divine?

That is possible only if there is the capacity in the individual to rise to the understanding that is equivalent to the character of the spirit.

That understanding, which is the light of the spirit, is samkhya buddhi; that is the higher reason, the higher self also, in this way.

“What is this samkhya, what is this higher understanding which I lack? Why is it that you say I have no samkhya buddhi, that I am faulty in my arguments?

What is wrong?”

This will be taken up in further chapters.

Next : 4: The Cosmic Manifestation

To be continued  ...


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