Srimad Bhagavadgeeta :

Sunday, Mar 30, 2014. Srimad Bhagavadgeeta : Chapter- 8. ( Akshara-brapma-yogam ) Slokam-27 & 28. ( With these two slokam-s Lord concludes the above yogam viz.; chapter-8. ) Naite srtī partha janan yogī muhyati kascana, (27) Tasmat sarveshu kaleshu yogayukto bhavarjuna. Partha! ethe srti janan = Arjuna! Knowing these two paths; Kascana yogi na muhyati = Never one yogi fall in unnecessary involvements of attachments; Tasmat Arjuna! = Hence Arjuna!; Sarvashu kaleshu = Always; Yogayuktah bhava ...