26/10/2013. Srimad Bhagavadgeeta : Chapter-2. (Samkyayogam) Slogam-49. ( All about Buddhiyogam )


Srimad Bhagavadgeeta :

Chapter-2. (Samkyayogam)

Slogam-49. ( All about Buddhiyogam )

Doorena  hyavaram  karma  buddhiyoga  Dhananjaya,

Buddhou  saranam  anviccha  krupanah  phalahetvah.

Dhananjaya! = Hey Arjuna,

Karma  buddhiyogat  =  Kamya karmam (Desire based karmam ) ,is than buddhiyogam,

Doorena  avaram  hi  =  Far far low only,

(Tasmat ) Buddhou  =  Therefore, ( depend on ) buddhi - Jnanam,

Saranam  anviccha = Surrender to ( Buddhi )

Phalahetvah krupanah = ( Those have ) Desire to /gain /profit/fruit/result, etc, are weak and pity!

All karma done with out expectation of gains/profits/fruit/result and so on, are  far superior than the karmas with huge expectations of results. The over  ambition, desire to results effect the mind and make it restless and weak. Then, the  karma  done  will not be in the right direction. When performing karma with no thought of future results, then, the mind will be peaceful and relaxed, thereafter involvement in the karma is very very high (full ). This will increase the efficiency  in the performance of karma.  

Here "Buddhiyogam"is not a special yogam, buddhi is  the "certain, sure, important" component, of of our Andhakaranam (inner - equipment). "Clear doubtless mind and concentration of thoughts, peaceful and stable bhavam ( state ), this sum is Buddhi ( intelligence). Sustaining this bhavam, that is the oscillating doubtful mind is controlled and regulated with the support of certain and sure discriminating ability of the buddhi is known as "BUDDHIYOGAM"

There is a gap / space between mind and buddhi, past vasana dirts/garbage are accumulated as a deposits in this gap/space. Wipe/wash out these vasanas, and do not allow the new vasanas, to occupy this space/gap. Buddhiyogam is the tool to be activated for "Vasana Nirmarghanam"(vasana remover ). Hence " Buddhou saranam anviccha " (  Surrender to Buddhi  ), let mind is under full and complete control of buddhi. 

Those living as a slave to silly emotional oscillations of the mind never attain peace of mind. The end results ( targets of the tasks ) always worry them . They are very weak and silly, because their sakakarma /kamyakarma/greedy karma encourage the generation of new vasanas  within them and completely overshadow the Atma-swaroopam, thereafter increase the the strength of the wall of Ajnanam ( ignorance).  Whereas the Nishkama-karmam (desire less-karmam), not only do not allow the new vasanas to fill the gap of mind and buddhi but also degenerate the past vasanas . Therefore, those who  work aiming the results only,  / are defined as "Krupanar" ( miserable/ weak).

This slokam tells us the secret of  success, and  guides us to follow and avoid failures in life. Extraordinary karmam ( performance/ activity ) only,  achieves the extraordinary results.  


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