The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity 6-3 - Swami Krishnananda.

Swami Chinmayananda: Devotees all over the world would vouch for the fact that every letter written to him would elicit a reply in a few days from wherever on the globe he happened to be at that point of time, in which even the address on the envelope often handwritten by him! He wrote over a hundred letters a day, over and above all the other aspects of his busy daily schedule. On one occasion, when his address book was misplaced by his secretary, he dictated two hundred and fifty addresses, including the PIN codes, from his photographic memory! ======================================================================================== Saturday 21, Jul. 2024, 06:10. The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity-6.3 Chapter 6: Beauty and Duty in the Bhagavadgita-3. The First Six Chapters of the Bhagavadgita: Swami Krishnananda (Spoken on Bhagavadgita Jayanti =================================================================================== There are two great difficulties in life: t...