The Tree of Life -3.2: Swami Krishnananda.

========================================================================= Wednesday, 27 Dec 2023 07:20. Discourse 3: Severing the Root of this Tree of Life - 2. ======================================================================== The aim is the fulfilment of the system of practice, but it is preceded by the important conditioning factor of the ideological structure in one's own consciousness. The ultimate realisation of the aim is the concretisation of the theoretical foundation already laid in one's consciousness. The Absolute Idea is the idea of there being such a thing called the Absolute, the one not being separable from the other. Your idea of the existence of the Absolute is inseparable from the content thereof. This idea, which is so vast, has to get tagged on to the idea of the external object called the universe. Then there is a necessity for the union of this idea of the Absolute with the content thereof, namely, the physical universe. This union is Absolute expe...