The Moksha Gita : Swami Sivananda // Commentary : Chapter 7.9 - Swami Krishnananda.

Chinmaya Mission : Swami Shashvatanandaji conducted a three-day Shloka training program at Chinmaya Upasana, Hosur, on the 7th, 8th, and 12th of June. The program aimed to spread knowledge through classes, focusing on the recitation of sacred verses. Swamiji imparted teachings on the Dhakshinamoorthy Dhyana Shlokam, Gita Dhyanashlokam, Shivamanasa Pooja, and Ganesa Stava, accompanied by their meanings. The training was open to both men and women, enabling participants to learn the Shlokas with precise pronunciation and understand their significance. The emphasis was placed on learning the Shlokas in-depth, pronouncing them correctly, and cultivating inner harmony. The attendees showed great enthusiasm, actively engaging in the training and successfully absorbing the teachings. ========================================================================= Sunday, 25 Jun, 2023. 07:00. The Moksha Gita : Swami Sivananda Chapter 7: The Process of Sadhana - 9. ===============================...