The Moksha Gita : Swami Sivananda // Commentary : Chapter 6.3. - Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================== Wednesday, March 29, 2023. 07:30. The Moksha Gita : Swami Sivananda Chapter 6: The Nature of the Mind - 3. ========================================================================= 5. The enemy of the Atma is the fluctuating mind only. The mind through its power of fluctuation generates countless Vasanas and Sankalpas. Destroy this fluctuating power of the mind through constant Brahma-Vichara. The Atma or the immortal Self is enveloped by the veil of mentation. The vibration of the mind generates fresh Vasanas and Sankalpas by its forward urge to expand itself info the world of nature. Every thought sends forth such currents of creative influence of the strength proportionate to the intensity of the original affirmation, and these creative urges touch the mental being of the other bodies of the universe in various degrees in accordance with their power of receptivity based on their own categories in the stages of ...