The Tree of Life 2-4. Swami Krishnananda.

========================================================================= ======================================================================== Monday, October 31, 2022. 06:00. Discourse 2: The Search For Wholeness-4. ========================================================================= Chapter 15 – Purushothama yogam : The Yogam of the Supreme Divine Personality : Lessons from the Analogy of a Banyan tree : ========================================================================= The variety and the multitudinousness of the leaves of a tree, for instance, is no bar to the relatedness among themselves in the form of this tree. So is this variety of life. The division and the difference, the gulf and the variety in the form of experience of objects, do not deter us from asking for a unity behind them. That is the reason why we ask for collaboration, unity, solidarity of people. We are urged towards working for a commonness of purpose. We do service, we have a feeling of affe...