The Tree of Life 1-4. Swami Krishnananda.

========================================================================= Chinmaya Mission : Sidhbari nestled in the Himalayan Dauladhar ranges in Himachal Pradesh still remains an unknown to many. Sharing today a few reasons to consider Chinmaya Tapovan Ashram, Sidhbari as your next destination for a spiritual retreat in India . ========================================================================= Wednesday, September 28, 2022. 07:00. Discourse 1: The Twofold Character of Cosmic Life - 4. ========================================================================= Chapter 15 – Purushothama yogam : The Yogam of the Supreme Divine Personality : Lessons from the Analogy of a Banyan tree : ======================================================================== The analogy the Bhagavadgita places before us to explain the nature of life as a whole is the well-known analogy of a tree. The whole of life is compared to a large tree spreading itself in every place, in and out of things, ...