The Tree of Life 1-2. Swami Krishnananda.

============================================================== =============================================================== Tuesday, August 23, 2022, 06:15 Discourse 1: The Twofold Character of Cosmic Life - 2. ================================================================ Chapter 15 – Purushothama yogam :The Yogam of the Supreme Divine Personality : Lessons from the Analogy of a Banyan tree : ================================================================ “What is the sorrow that is hanging heavily on our heads?” is not a question easy to answer. At one moment it may appear that the grief is of one type, and at another moment it is of another type. It changes its colour like a chameleon, and we are under the impression thereby that perhaps there are millions of sorrows. Not so is the case. Sorrow is a single structural or organic defect of personality which ramifies itself into various expressions of inconvenience to our personality, and which goes by the name of sorrow, gr...