The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita : 4. Sri Swami Chidananda

##NOW WHERE IS THE QUESTION THAT MUSLIMS AND CHRISTIANS ARE SUPERIOR AND ABOVE SANATANA DHARMA, OTHERWISE CALLED HINDUISM?!! ------------------------------------------------------------ Tuesday, September 29, 2020. 4.A Practical Guide 5. Earthly Pleasure is Transitory ------------------------------------------- 4.A Practical Guide : A book may give all about the sugar industry, all about the various aspects of the growing of cane, the fertilisation, the care of the cane crop, the necessary manure and the method of transporting the cane to the factory—all about the machinery in the factory and all about the science of proper manufacture of sugar; and yet it may not give us practical guidance as to how we might get at the commodity, consume it and enjoy the actual bliss of the sweetness of this sugar. On the other hand, there may be a very practical guide—very short and not so elaborate, not so erudite, not so very technical, but yet which tells us a direct and easy met...