The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita : 3. Sri Swami Chidananda

##NOW WHERE IS THE QUESTION THAT MUSLIMS AND CHRISTIANS ARE SUPERIOR AND ABOVE SANATANA DHARMA, OTHERWISE CALLED HINDUISM?!! ------------------------------------------------------------ Sunday, August 23, 2020. 10 : 03. AM. 3.The Scripture for All ------------------------------------------- ##MUSLIMS AND CHRISTIANS SHOULD KNOW AND REALISE, ABOUT THIS NATION, IF THEY ARE DUMP HEADS LEARN FROM THE ABOVE 1. A scripture can be approached in several aspects. Specially such a universal scripture as the Gita can be and has been approached by people from numberless angles, each trying to seek in the Gita light for his particular view of life, for his particular philosophy of life. People of absolutely divergent temperaments, people of widely varying conceptions and different conclusions on similar questions, have all sought to find in the Gita support for their peculiar views. A Karma Yogin approaches the Gita and in it finds a support for the cause of Karma Yoga. A devout Bhakta...