The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita - 3.9. Swami Krishnananda

=============================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday, May 30, 2020. Chapter 3: The Spirit of True Renunciation -9. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Merely because of the nature of the confrontation before us, we may be repelled after a time even by the goal of spirituality, the very ideal which attracted us earlier, because our comprehension of the nature of this ideal was not comprehensive enough. One cannot keep up the sobriety of spirit throughout one’s life, because of the power of rajas and tamas within, whose nature one does not properly understand. The things from which we withdraw ourselves in a spirit of renunciation may demand recognition some time later, at some moment, on some occasion when they find that the circumstances are suitable for their having a say, because, usually, the religious renunciation is a misguided ...