The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita-1.9

30/09/2018 Chapter 1: The Universal Scope of the Bhagavadgita-9. Yes, the problems of life are not merely religious problems, and we should not be under the impression that we can be happy merely by a so-called religious message. If by religion we understand what is in our minds usually—and we know very well what we understand by religion : - A scripture which has to be carried on the head and worshipped with a tremendous piety and fear in an atmosphere which has to be uncontaminated by secularity of any kind, cut off from the atmosphere of the give-and-take attitude of people, of shops and streets and thoroughfares, a temple, a church, a priest, a ritual— *"we have to study the Gita a little differently." We have our own notions of religion. Religions there are and have been many, and we are practising them, yet grief-stricken. We are sorry people, indeed, with all our religion. We are weeping every day, either openly or secretly, and the religion that we h...