The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavad gita-20.2

23/11/2017 The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavad gita-20.2 Chapter 20: We are the Fruits and Leaves of the Cosmic Tree -2. Now, life cannot go on with merely a dividing factor and a material substance, because neither of these have a sustaining capacity. The material object is like dead matter, almost equated with a state of unconsciousness, such as a stone, a brick wall, or what we call the inorganic field, and the force of division, again, cannot be regarded as an intelligent power. Neither the energy that rushes forth into division nor the energy that condenses or solidifies itself into matter can be regarded as intelligent purposive organisers of creation. So God remains as the ordainer of the law of unity even in the midst of this diversity. This function of the prevalence of the unifying factor in the midst of this dividing activity of rajas, together with the inert substantiality of the material cosmos, is known as sattva. God’s actions are simu...