The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita : Ch - 17.7.17.

7.The Vision of God-17. Sudurdarsam idam rupam drstavan asi yan mama : - Most difficult is this form to be perceived. It is hard to attain this vision. Not even the gods or the angels in heaven can perceive this, because they are still individuals though ethereal and fiery in body. What good is it to be in paradise if we are still to maintain our individuality and isolatedness and enjoy the pleasures of sense in a heightened form? So not even the angels in heaven can have this vision, is the declaration. Deva apy asya rupasya nityam darsana-kanksinah :- Even the gods are yearning, as it were, to behold this form. The same thing is told to us in the Katha Upanishad : - “Even gods are racking their heads to understand what this can be.” Subtle is this vision, difficult it is to understand, and harder it is to have the attainment of it. Swami Krishnananda To be continued ....