Srimad Bhagavadgeeta : Ch-9. Sklo-26.

Sunday, April 27, 2014. Srimad Bhagavadgeeta : Chapter-9 ( Rajavidya Rajaguhya Yogam) Slokam-26. Patram pushpam phalam toyam yo me bhaktiya prayachati Tataham bhaktiyupahrutam asnami prayatatmanah. Patram Pushpam Phalam Toyam = Leaf or Flower or Fruit or Water ( anything), Yah Me = who offers me, Bhaktiya Prayachati = Dedicates/Submits with devotion/love, Prayayatmanah Tat = Pure minded, his, Bhaktiyupahrutam = Dedicated (with devotion) offer, Aham Asnami = I accept. Lord Sri Krishna to Arjuna narrates worship:- Explanation below— -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is no religion in the world, which does not encourage and accept offers from the devotees. Now a question arises among people ( though modern educated with ignorance about our Spiritual part and misunderstandings) :- The Supreme Lord has no name and form, Omnipresent and Omnipotent, then where the need of a Temple or Church...